Wednesday, June 18, 2008

ADA news: Byetta gets better

Byetta will soon be available as a once-weekly injection. The study presented revealed more weight loss and better improvement in hgb A1c compared to twice daily Byetta. The people who inititally took twice daily Byetta were switched over to the weekly dose and they also experienced further weight loss and further improvement with hemoglobin A1c. The weekly dose initially caused some itching and irritation at the injection site but this side effect goes away over time. There's no projected date for weekly yetta to be available.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lessons from the American Diabetes Association

Three big studies announced results this year. Each was designed to determine if aggressive blood sugar control would reduce the risk of having a heart attack in people with type 2 diabetes. This is an important question since most people with T2DM will die of a heart attack or stroke at a younger age than people without diabetes. Aggressive control meant blood sugars under 100 mg/dl and hemoglobin A1c under 6.5%

The tightly controlled groups fared no better than the groups whose A1c was 7.5-8% for the frequency of heart attack, stroke or death from any cause. There was some indication that people who had diabetes for less than 7 years or who had healthy hearts to begin with were less likely to have a heart event if their A1c was under 7%

It was fairly evident that lower blood pressures and lower cholesterol definitely reduced risk of heart disease regardless of level of diabetes control. The results were so hot off the press the researchers did not have time to analyse if lower A1c helped to prevent or stop progression of eye, kidney and nerve damage.

More in the next few days.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

headlines: Cinical Endocrinology News

I finally got a chance to look at the May 2008 issue of
Clinical Endocrinology News
Here are some interesting headlines:
Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery Lowers Bone Density page 14
Yoga Not Found to Improve Bone Mineral Density page 17
Teens With Bedroom TV's Haver Poorer Diets, Are Less Active page 22
Please comment if you want more discussion on any of these articles.

American Diabetes Association Scientific Meeting

June 6-10 2008 in San Francisco, CA. I'll be there to learn the latest in diabetes care and related topics including prevention and management of complications. Eye disease, kidney disease, nerve damage and heart disease can run rampant in people with diabetes and I will do what I can to prevent, arrest and if possible reverse these complications. I will be posting my findings here soon.