Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Food is fuel

I'm looking at my nutrition from a different perspective. I estimate how active I am for the next few hours and decide how many calories I need to keep running until the next meal. Most days I don't do much so I don't eat much. I consume the calories on as 'as needed' basis. If I'm going to ride my bike home or go to the gym after work I will back off the food at lunch time and take less insulin. When the exercise time arrives I take on the carbs needed to perform at my best for that event. No hypoglycemia, no excess calories, no excess hunger. I've lost 7 pounds by increasing my exercise and targeting my carbs for my activity level. These were seven pounds that I thought would never come off. I tried several times in the last 3 years to lose the pounds without effect. This different thinking about food and exercise took the weight off unintentionally. I was seeking better performance and this was a pleasant side effect. Give some consideration to your approach to food. to quote Steve Hogg (2007): Understanding this will leave many of you thinking 'I need to do something'. There are three motivating factors that change human behavior; pain, fear or ambition. Which button do you want to press?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Five weeks of Omnipod

I'm a bit behind with my posts. It didn't really take me 3 months to wear the Omnipod for 5 weeks. I wore it continuously for 5 weeks beginning in June. I got it through airport security without any problems. The Pod did not set off the metal detector alarm. I did find that the surface area used by the pod limited positioning of the pod. It was uncomfortable to lie on it and I found myself limited in sleeping positions as a result. So I'm back on my Minimed 522. In spite of my personal reluctance to continue on the Omnipod, I would absolutely be using it if my only alternative is multiple daily injections. Rumor has it from a company employee that the 2010 Omnipod is going to be 40% smaller. I can't wait to try it.