Monday, April 30, 2012

Diabetes Conference open for registration

The University of Nevada School of Medicine is hosting the annual continuing medical education program for diabetes care on Friday, September 7.  The theme of the program is "Breaking the Link Between Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease"
You can view the program brochure here.
You can register at this link.
I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

100 pushups revisited

Three years ago I started a program to eventually perform 100 pushups without interruption. I had to postpone the program due to a bad shoulder. Since then physical therapy, surgery and more physical therapy lead me to try it again.

Many web sites have protocols to build up to 100 pushups. It starts with a test of how many I can do to failure, with good form. I am then referred to a table telling me how many pushups to do and how many sets. This is typically done three times a week. Each workout adds more reps. There are several smart phone apps available. I chose the Rittr Labs app for my Android phone to keep me on track. What I like about this app is that it will adjust the next workout based on my perception of the present workout being too easy, just right or too hard. I also like this app because it uses the same protocol for squats, situps and pullups. No, Rittr doesn't have I-Phone apps. I haven't looked at the Apple app store to see what apps are comparable.

As far as the pushups go, I did my baseline- 18 pushups- and have finished 2 workouts since then. No shoulder pain yet; maybe I will make the 100 pushup goal this time.

250 squats are next on my list. Tenative start date is April 10.