Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Christmas gift for your New Year resolution

Health, wellness, exercise, nutrition and weight loss are popular topics for New Year resolutions.  Unfortunately by mid-February the new year resolutions have been abandoned.  Yet health and wellness aren't goals that should be left behind after 6 weeks.

 I know if I really try I can usually stretch my exercise resolution to early March,  Something happens between spring break and the outdoor cycling season that leaves me with no desire to exercise or eat right.  I am fortunate to have my coach, Toni Caruso, right with me saying 'let's go for a ride' and 'cook some quinoa for dinner'.

Toni is available as a life coach to help with nutrition, exercise, natural weight loss and stress management.  Call, text or email this office to schedule and appointment.  We will offer open group discussions for these topics if we hear from enough people that you would like to attend a group.  This may be the best Christmas present you could give yourself this year.

If natural weight loss efforts have not been effective for you then Dr Caruso is available to discuss prescription treatments to achieve your weight goals.

Monday, July 21, 2014

maybe it's not your thyroid

     You're tired. You want to nap. You don't sleep well at night. You don't have any enthusiasm for anything. You can't lose weight even though your appetite is poor.   You have inexplicable food cravings.  You ache.  You feel moody, irritable, anxious or depressed.   Sometimes you feel too cold, or too warm, or both. Your heart may skip or race. Maybe you have night sweats.
     According to a number of websites and self-proclaimed thyroid specialists you have a thyroid problem. These sources say that even if your blood tests are normal you still have a thyroid problem. Ignore the blood tests and ignore the research, find someone who will prescribe you desiccated pig thyroid and you will feel better.
     You probably will feel better for the first few weeks taking a dried animal gland, and then you will relapse. So you take a higher dose, you feel better for a bit and then another relapse. Keep upping the dose and you will eventually start having typical symptoms of too much thyroid medication. Not only that but now you have also damaged your glands ability to function naturally on its own, which it was doing just fine before you started taking an unnecessary medication.  I know there are plenty of testimonials about the miraculous recovery of people once they went on thyroid, but these are a mere handful compared to the many for whom it failed or caused adverse side effects such as osteoporosis with fractures, or atrial fibrillation.
     So why then do you feel so poorly? It is spelled S-T-R-E-S-S. the symptoms you're having are attributable to stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.  Our bodies are developed to handle acute stress but not chronic stress.  When these hormones are chronically elevated bad things happen, namely the list of symptoms at the top of the page.  No, this isn't 'adrenal fatigue' either.  You don't need to help your adrenal glands work better with any herbs or nutritional supplements.  Your adrenal glands are doing exactly what they are supposed to do in response to stress and it becomes quite unpleasant.  The stress isn't easily fixed with a pill so people don't want to deal with it.  but until you deal with it you will continue to look for novel diagnoses and a convenient pill treatment and you will continue to feel poorly.
      There are some wonderful resources to learn more about stress and stress management. I highly recommend visiting the American Institute of Stress website. there is a program coming up July 24-26 and I look forward to watching it.  No it isn't easy to manage chronic stress.  But is may be the only effective treatment available.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

insulin without a prescription

If you find yourself in a bind needing insulin because your forgot it, the bottle broke, etc you can buy human regular insulin and human NPH without a prescription. They are available at WalMart for around $25 a bottle. No, it's not available in pen form so you may need to buy syringes as well. No, they don't work exactly the same as Humalog, Novolog, Apidra, Lantus or Levemir. But it can still help you through the situation. Ask your doctor about appropriate dosing in case you need to use this option.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Office updates

There are some important updates about my private office.

1. I will be at a new street address some time in April. You will find me at 255 West Moana Lane, Suite 108. My phone number and fax will remain the same.I will be publishing the exact date as soon as I know. Carpet and paint haven't even been started so don't drop by just yet. It's on the north side of the street, between a car wash and Pritchett Eye Care. If you have been around here long enough it is across the street from the old Moana Pool site.

2. I will be out of the office from May 14 until June 2, 2014. During this time I will not be able to answer phone calls or faxes. Internet service will be sporadic and unreliable so I can't make any promises about returning e-mails or electronically refill requests either. If you need any medication refills during this time please contact your primary care provider.

3. I am not scheduling any new patients in my private office. I am not scheduling any returning patients that I have not seen regularly since opening my private office. this limit is a necessary step for me to be able to provide quality care for my established patients seen on a regularly scheduled basis.

4. Prescription refills, pump supply orders and upgrades, and sensor orders continue to be sent to the incorrect offices. If your pharmacy or supply service send the requests to the incorrect office there will be a significant delay before this is approved. If you have not been seen in the last year it will not be approved at all until you come in for an appointment.

5. For those of you who need to change your appointment at the last minute due to school or work, you already know I don't have an opening available for about 4 months- except for openings suddenly made available by others who cancel a few days in advance. For your convenience you should consider another endocrine office that is open full-time with multiple providers. You will will likely find greater flexibility in your ability to get an appointment on the day and time of your preference with short notice.