Friday, November 16, 2018

More bad news about pot and T1 diabetes

Study finds higher risk of diabetic ketoacidosis in pot users.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I love my daily diabetes updates- look what I found!

Study shows efficacy of mDiabetes app in reducing A1C levels
A study in Diabetes Care showed that type 2 diabetes patients who used mDiabetes, a smartphone-based app with an individualized diabetes management algorithm, significantly improved their A1C levels and had more significant A1C reductions below the 7.0% threshold after 24 weeks, compared with those who used a paper logbook. South Korean researchers recruited 172 patients, ages 19 to 80, and found that 31.1% of those in the mDiabetes group experienced a drop in A1C levels below 7.0% without experiencing hypoglycemia, compared with 17.1% among those in the logbook group.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

What to do about your basal insulin

You've tried them all; Lantus, Basaglar, Levemir, Tresiba, Toujeo. Either they don't meet your needs or they cause side effects. What is next? An insulin pump! this is by far the most predictable delivery of basal insulin. You get a fine trickle of short acting insulin for 24 hours. The new pumps by Medtronic and Tandem are very high tech. If you want to get in to that I am more than happy to support you. If you want simple insulin delivery then go with the Omnipod. Few buttons to push, no tubing and if you order now you will get the DASH upgrade free when it ships next year.
Diabetes only gets more difficult with age. Modern technology makes it easier.