Friday, February 27, 2009

Guset speaker to be announced.

For those of you who referenced this post, I wrote too hastily. The previously mentioned celebrity will not be coming to Reno. News of other speakers will be posted as the information becomes available to me.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

100 pushups?

I'm taking the challenge. Check out this web site. My base pushup, doing good quality, full range-of-motion exercise, is only 10. I just started week 1, day 1 yeseterday. My wife is doing 'girl' pushups, my daughter the 'regular' kind. Join me and see how far you can go. If you can't even do one, then start with pushups from your knees instead of toes. Let me know how you do.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Secrets revealed!

The 'Ten Secrets' by Heiden and Testa aren't really secrets. They are common sense backed by research data. The first 188 pages address How and Why of better shape, goals, foundation, strength, food & fluids, progress, rest, motion & gear, cross training and motivation. Some chapters are rather vague, others quite specific. The vague components are presented in great detail in the second part of the book, the Program. This provides specifics for cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular strength, balance & coordination, six & twelve week checkups and the art of adjustments. I urge you to read the whole book and follow the recommendations. Don't pick and choose what you like and don't like. If you do that, you're tossing aside the scientific data that supports the effectiveness of the program. Why did you buy the book then? I'm following the cardiovascular fitness program because what I was doing the past 2 years has led to me being slower on my bicycle. But as much as I don't like to deliberately take a day off, or limit the duration or intensity of my workouts, I'm doing it anyway because what I was doing before wasn't working. i'm almost finished with week 3. I'll post progress when test time comes.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Food groups!

Since my last blog regarding meat I've discussed this topic with dozens of people who are challenged with the concept of plant versus animal food sources. I would guess they haven't read the previous post. So here is a simple test to sort which foods are vegetarian and which foods are not vegetarian.
.....pasta.....pasta primavera.....chicken primavera.....pepperoni beans.....eggplpant parmisan.....tuna tacos.....quinoa + black bean beets.....pickled eggs.....pickled pig's feet.....spinach salad.....barbequed corn on the cob.....roasted garlic.....roasted pork....barbequed hot dogs.... if you're not sure about the answers, e-mail me.