Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nutritional cleansing- what's it all about?

CLEANSING CONFERENCE! Come to the meeting June 18, 2009 to learn more about nutritional cleansing. I will be reviewing history, internet lore and research on this topic. It will start at 6 pm. Location is 1500 East Second Street, #402. I look forward to seeing you there. Please e-mail me to confirm your seat; seating is limited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dr. Caruso,

I am a patient and eagerly awaiting your information regarding the cleansing we discussed at my last visit to your office. I love Isagenix, however, cannot afford that system at this time. You did mention you would post some at home remedies to follow regarding cleansing.

Thank you,
Juliann Gaudetter