Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nutritional cleansing

I've been using nutritional cleansing products since 2006. The idea is to allow your metabolism to reset itself by giving it a rest from the impurities introduced into your body by the foods you eat. There are no laxatives or diuretics involved. When I'm not eating right I can hold up to 10# of water as a part of buffering my system from the impurities I've ingested. A day of 'Cleanse for Life' and the impurities and water buffer are out of my system and I'm feeling better. Check out my web site www.dancarusomd.isagenix.com for ordering 'Cleanse for Life'.

1 comment:

Anna Schafer said...

There are no laxatives or diuretics involved. When I'm not eating right I can hold up to 10# of water as a part of buffering my system from the impurities I've ingested. isagenix nutritional cleansing