Friday, January 20, 2012

Great deal on test strips

Abbott Diabetes care is starting a new program for Freestyle lite test strips. they will provide them at the SAME COPAY as the lowest-cost test strip on your insurance plan. For example, you get a 90 day supply of brand 'X' test strips for $40 with your current plan, but your insurance charges you $150 for Freestyle Lite test strips. Abbott will arrange for you to get a 90 day supply of Freestyle Lite test strips for $40. This works in the same fashion if your copay is for a 30 day supply. You can choose whatever local or mail order pharmacy you normally use. This is available on a limited basis presently through my practice and Dr Eckert in northern Nevada. It is not applicable for Medicare or Medicaid. It will be available through all physician offices some time in March. Please contact me if you are interested in this program.

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