Thursday, December 28, 2017

Take care of your brain

There are ways to make your brain 'stronger'. This research in 2011 demonstrated visible improvements (on MRI) in brain structure after only 8 weeks of "Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction".

Mindfulness is a concept that started in the 1970's and has grown steadily since then. It is the opposite of multitasking. you focus your mind on a single thing and actively exclude all other thoughts. In practice it is a form of meditation.

You can do the same thing! What makes it easy is the Muse brainwave sensing headband. This device gives you feedback on your thoughts. When you are focused on a single thing, your breath, you hear gentle sounds and even chirping birds. When you are distracted the wind, waves or rain will get louder as a reminder to focus your thought. 

When you buy this device direct from the developer you get a 60 day money back guarantee. You will need a smartphone or Ipad or Android tablet to run the app for the headband. Check to make sure your tablet or phone has the operating system necessary to run the app.

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