Monday, March 1, 2010

Free! Endocrine talk series

Meetings for nutrition, exercise and endocrine conditions will held at my office on these dates at 5 pm:
March 9 and 23
April 20
May 11 and 25
June 15 and 29
A different specific focus will be offered at each meeting. There will also be plenty of time for questions you may have about your endocrine condition, research, nutrition or anything else you might want to ask. If 5 pm is a little too early for you let me know. I can start with Q&A and get to the main program later if this helps some people who don't get off work until 5 pm. You will have a chance to sample different Isagenix products at these meetings.

My address is
540 W Plumb Lane, # 200
Reno, NV 89509

Please e-mail me to reserve your seat.
We will be meeting in the 'activation room'. Ask the front desk for directions if you don't know where this is.

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